ATTORNE ASSOERTMENT PRIVATE LIMITED works upon the education sector, training sector for the own hand capability or provides training to the candidate for the Job in different sectors of the company and software website development. We just tie-up our center with the companies in order to place our trained candidates if he/she got prepared by us.
ATTORNE ASSORTMENT PRIVATE LIMITED had its own terms to work upon and very strict towards rules and regulations. The Company doesn’t involve in the condition of any illegal work done or represented by any representative or its client or students. The work done here is according to the norms of the government for private limited company. No one is entitled to use our Name and other things related to Company for any disturbing element. Whatever work done here in the company should be legal in the eyes of law and rules made by the Owner itself. The Company doesn’t promote any illegal activities and those if found guilty breaking the rules shall be disturbed in the law of government. If anyone found misusing our company related data or document which in-sense going to harm the nature of the company, then he/she will be strictly dragged to the court of law.
ATTORNE ASSORTMENT PRIVATE LIMITED does not tolerate any kind of misbehavior happening with our clients, employees and students by unrelated person or authority of India.
ATTORNE ASSORTMENT PRIVATE LIMITED is not responsible for any kind of affairs between students and their colleagues and staffs. If anyone claiming us and disturbing our environment then he/she shall be looked up by the court of law.